Moonshine Xmas

Moonshine Xmas


  • Grenadine
  • Ole Smoky Moonshine Cherries
  • Coconut Water


  1. Take shot glasses and add 1x cherry per glass. I also add 1 tablespoon of the moonshine per glass ontop of the cherry.
  2. Add equal parts grenadine and coconut water, and fill to the top!
  3. Sláinte
  • This is great for those people who don't like the burn of a shot after, it goes down like cherry juice!
  • Use cherries to top Root-beer floats and Ice Cream Sundae's...yumm
  • If you want to make your own cherries:
    • Take one mason jar and fill with Maraschino cherries 
    • Then cover with your choice of Vodka
      • We use Faber's brand - it's a local that we love<3
    • Refrigerate for about a week, then use!
